Preparedness Pro

From Skeptic to Survivor: Inspiring Preparedness in a Changing World

Kellene Vaile Season 1 Episode 16

True Prepper: Building Preparedness Without Fear (and Why It’s About Freedom, Not Panic)

In this episode of Preparedness Pro, I sit down with Sean Gold, the mind behind, one of the most trusted resources in the preparedness community. Sean’s journey started with hurricanes knocking out power for weeks in North Carolina, grew through his military background in emergency management, and evolved into a mission to help others prepare for life’s curveballs—big and small.

We dive into everything from overcoming misconceptions about prepping to the art of getting your spouse on board (without scaring them into hiding in the pantry). Sean shares practical strategies for helping your community become more self-reliant, why fear-mongering does more harm than good, and how everyday preparedness—like ponchos for rainy football games—builds trust and freedom for your family.

Whether you’re a seasoned prepper, someone who “wants to be ready” but hasn’t taken the first step, or just curious about how younger generations are embracing self-reliance, this episode will inspire you to see preparedness not as paranoia, but as peace of mind.

Because when preparation brings peace, that’s true freedom.

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From Skeptic to Survivor: Inspiring Preparedness in a Changing World
Kellene: [00:00:00] Welcome to Preparedness Pro, where being prepared isn't about fear. It's about freedom. I'm your host, Kellene, and every episode we explore the peaceful principles of preparedness and self reliance. No gloom, no doom, just practical solutions for everyday living that help you become more independent and prepared for whatever life brings your way.
From kitchen skills to financial wisdom, emergency planning to sustainable living. We're building a community of capable, confident people who understand that preparedness isn't about preparing for the worst. It's about being free to live your best life regardless of what comes your way. So whether you're starting your preparedness journey or you're a seasoned pro, you're in the right place.
Hey everyone, it's Kellene, the Preparedness Pro. Got a great episode for you today. There's going to be two preppers on our show today. We've got myself, of course, and we have Sean Gold, the true prepper, as he calls himself. [00:01:00] Sean's got a great website and he's got a huge following over a couple million people.
Am I correct, Sean? 
Sean: Yeah, it's, that many visitors Over time. So not exactly followers, but yeah. 
Kellene: That's wonderful. Well, we're going to go to a town here. We're going to talk specifically about how we can get, more people in our lives to jump on board with us. But before we jump into any of that, I just want to know, I love hearing about everybody's personal path.
, I know you've got a military background, but you didn't, you know, just Suddenly have a military background. What evolved your path into being a more self reliant and self sufficient person? 
Sean: Yeah. My path started off when I was, , very young. We had a lot of hurricanes in central North Carolina.
 And some of them would knock our power out for up to weeks at a time. And my dad, , was pretty big into preparedness. He was in the air force as well. [00:02:00] And so he kind of, , was always ready for something like that enough to the point where he could go out and help out neighbors. And I always thought that that was very impressive.
 One of our neighbor's house is flooded. She came and stayed with us. So there's, he always was prepared enough to look out after his family and go beyond that. So that was kind of admirable. And that kind of just stuck in the back of my head. So several years later when I was looking for a, , different career path, to join the military, that was where I ended up, , selecting emergency management as my AFSC in the air force, and that really kind of, you know, poured gas on the fire, I, learned about all sorts of stuff, asymmetrical threats, got my hands on, , some bad, you know, substances that you can, encounter out in the field, learned about all the CBRN aspects.
, and also still helped out bases with family preparedness as well, volunteered with the Boy Scouts, teaching them land navigation. So, I [00:03:00] mean, it just kind of snowballed from that point, from kind of seeing what my dad did, appreciating that. And then, when I went into the military, that just became like a huge focus for me.
After I got out of the military six years later, I started my own family. and kind of, you know, tried that one of the mirror what my dad did as far as being prepared. And then started the, , True Prepper is sort of a blog and it's kind of grown since then into a resource.
Kellene: Well, it's a, it's a wonderful resource.
I love how you break things down for people and how thorough you are. I just wrote an article directing everyone to your PDF library because it's so exhaustive. , And I think that people will benefit from that. So , give me an example or two of when your preparedness has, has bailed you out of a sticky situation.
Sean: Yeah, there's all sorts of little, like EDC. I think that's hugely helpful. , just having stuff on you all the time, even if it's not an emergency, it's going to help [00:04:00] you out. , so EDC is always. been helpful for me having car kits ready. , you know, being able to change the tire, being able to keep the family dry when there's un unforeseen rain, you know, it's, it helps you out beyond just emergencies.
It can help you out. Preparedness can help you out every day. As far as emergencies, those we have hurricanes. We had a big one in western North Carolina. Recently, , we have, power outages pretty frequently. Still, and, so energy and lights and candles and all that stuff. My wife likes to put candles in every room.
And so if the power goes out, we just light the candles. So there's lots of ways, nothing too impactful has happened to us. But I mean, things are always around the corner. You never know what's coming, , whether it's another power outage, whether it's, you know, keeping the family dry when you're going to, to a game, a football game or something like that, you know, getting the ponchos out of the car, that you [00:05:00] can always find stuff to use your preparedness gear for.
 Besides the larger hurricanes, I haven't personally had to deal with anything. , and so I've been kind of blessed in that area. 
Kellene: Well, you know, some people would think that, being without power for a week or two, that that's pretty substantial. And yet you call that, no big thing.
 So I, I'd give yourself a little bit more credit because you have had to endure things like that. There's people that haven't. Haven't gone more than a day without power, let alone a couple of weeks. How was it finding somebody, that you could marry that was equally yoked with you in terms of preparedness?
Sean: , I think it's ever since the website has gotten more successful, that kind of garnered her interest in it. So that, that's a unique situation to me. I think that there are several challenges to, , getting people into preparedness and specifically, getting people into, uh, calling themselves a prepper.
 So these, these challenges, you kind of deal with them different ways [00:06:00] at home. I just said, Hey, look, we just need to be ready for our kids. We need to be ready for us. And it wasn't that hard of a difficult of a conversation with my wife. A lot of people need to be shown, whether it's reading a book, , whether it's, you know, , seeing things play out real time, like disasters across the world, , they need to kind of like have that visual verification.
But me and my wife have a level of trust, where I just say we, we need to do this and then we do it and then she's happy afterwards. So I get kind of. After action reports. Oh, I'm glad we had this on. I got lucky there. But it's, you know, everybody's different and everybody comes from a different, set of needs what they need to do.
I think, one of the toughest things that we've had to prepare for is one of my sons is disabled. And disabilities and prepping, I think are kind of like underserved. You know, , not as many people are talking about that. And I think over 20 percent of people. Who are preppers are disabled.
So , it's something that, you know, [00:07:00] everybody has a personal journey and how they're going to address those specific needs that kind of go off the general playbook, the general checklist. And so that's where, you know, critical thinking, I think always plays a part. 
Kellene: Absolutely. Yeah. There's a lot of people.
 I hear, I hear a lot of times that, they're prepping, they're taking. opportunities to be more self sufficient in their life, but their spouse isn't on board. And that's a sad disconnect because, you know, here's this person, you want to spend the rest of your life with, you just love them.
 You share a brain sometimes. And then when there's that disconnect, , it makes it a lonely, lonely journey. How would you suggest helping to get a spouse on board with being more self reliant? 
Sean: Yeah, that's tough. And I don't think it just applies to prepping. I think it applies to many different interests across your entire life together.
 But the, the prepping, we're lucky because prepping is such a broad umbrella. And there's many [00:08:00] prepping adjacent hobbies that you can get into. So if they're not comfortable going straight into, , designating, , prepping storage area, some emergency food storage, like starting to delve into the actual tasks, you can always get hobbies or go explore things that are adjacent to prepping.
Like, and that's also a great way to meet other preppers too. So, you know, going on hikes, getting outdoors, that's a good way to kind of wilderness survival, kind of entry into it. There's a lot of food preparedness. I'm sure you're familiar with all of that, to go into that angle. There's lots of different angles to come at prepping.
So, heading down to the shooting range, a lot of people, you know, just go down there to, , get some, get some practice in with their firearms. And, You can kind of approach it from a lot of different ways so you can kind of ask questions and figure out what would make them comfortable. I wouldn't do it directly, but, you know, say, Hey, what would you think about if we went down to the range this weekend together or something like that?
 Maybe it's a hobby that you have that you just want to bring them [00:09:00] in. and just test out different things. You're going to have some commonality somewhere. So it's just such a broad spectrum and , that'll kind of be your end. 
Kellene: Yeah, I agree with you. So what are some misconceptions that people have about preparedness as a whole?
Sean: I think, one of the big misconceptions is, the scope, everybody kind of thinks that it's preparedness is to prepare for one thing. And that's never the case. And we see it all the time and not just like for individual preparedness, but when I was in an emergency management with the Air Force, it was always write a plan for the worst case scenario.
 The worst case scenario doesn't always come to fruition. It's usually somewhere in the middle. And then you have a tougher time responding to something that happens in the middle rather than the worst case scenario. So I think it's the same thing as prepping. People think that, and they kind of use that as an excuse.
Like if there was a nuclear attack, I don't want to be around and kind of [00:10:00] really, I mean, Everybody in Japan would just throw their hands up at world war two. I mean, they surrendered, but they didn't give up on life. You know, these things, you gotta approach them with a critical eye and make sure that, , you're considering all the possibilities, not just the worst case.
So, like I said, I've used my ponchos. Pulled them out of the car, throwing them on the family. When we're going to a football game, there's all sorts of things that can be range from minor inconveniences all the way to, you know, serious survival situations that Prepping can address. 
Kellene: Yeah, like Hurricane Helene.
Sean: Yeah. People still have, don't have power out there. I mean, it's a very resilient group though. So, the Appalachian Western North Carolina, those people have been scrappy for forever. 
Kellene: Yeah, that's true. 
Sean: They're still having to deal with the aftermath.
Kellene: What about strategies that you have found effective, especially in your [00:11:00] emergency management background, and creating, a community of like minded individuals and bringing a community together for a cause of enduring a crisis? 
Sean: Yeah, the, In emergency management, getting people to pay attention to it was an uphill battle.
 So like getting, , drawing the eyes to kind of what you're doing in the first place was tough because everybody would kind of gloss over it. It's not a very, sexy field as far as the military goes. , people don't really want to come to your emergency management class and learn about emergencies.
You know, they're kind of focused on , combat operations. There's lots of cool stuff in the military that you can go on and look at otherwise. It did teach me that you can still catch people's attention by talking about, , certain things like that they would find interesting. So one of the things that we would do was, have a zombie preparedness plan.
 I'm kind of taking it from a different direction from what I just talked about, about being practical, [00:12:00] but it does catch eyes. It does get people's interest. And so, especially young people in the military, they were saying, Oh, what is this, you know, and that's your foot kind of foot in the door to start the conversation of, okay, these are the practical things you need on hand before you get to, you know, machetes and whatnot, whatever they long handled shovels.
There's. I think you just tailor it to your audience really, , is what I've learned. And it's okay to be kind of hyperbolic if you're trying to get a message across. So it worked in the military and it kind of works now. I see on my website, , If it's something where , I'm in my gas mask, , one of my several that I have, people are going to click on that more.
So people are interested in it more if there's , a little bit of a hook to it. So if you're trying to convince people in the prepping, You could not just go the practical way. You could also go into hyperbole and exaggeration as well. I [00:13:00] mean, plenty of people watch The Walking Dead or, many of these TV shows or read novels about prepping that are kind of, , like One Second After, or, right now I'm reading Nuclear War, these novels, I know people where these novels have gotten him, got them into preparedness.
So media can do that too. 
Kellene: Wonderful. So let's talk about that balance though, presenting the seriousness of preparedness without overwhelming or scaring people. I mean, sometimes the scare factors tend to work better. , I talk about peaceful preparedness and sometimes I'm a little too peaceful, because people don't take it.
But when I push just a little bit of an edge, then their ears perk up and they listen , like you were just discussing, but how do you balance presenting the seriousness of preparedness without overwhelming or scaring people? 
Sean: It's tricky. And I think it differs for everybody. Whether or not you can talk about it with a little, a hint of humor, can kind of help.[00:14:00] 
So that's where The zombie preparedness plan came in, back then when we were making it, cause you know, , that's one of the situations it's not going to happen. So everybody's kind of like, Oh, that's tongue in cheek. Whereas one of the situations that we do have a serious plan for could happen, so we need to pay attention there.
So it's, I think it comes down to, your personal way of expressing that. How you can describe that to your audience. Whether it's your wife or a whole group of young 18 year old soldiers that are about to go through some like gas mass training and in, in the tear gas chamber. So , you got to tailor it to your audience and know yourself, like, know what you're capable of.
 If you know that you're going to be pressing your wife too much, , with these types of questions to get her on board with preparedness. , keep saying wife, , using myself an example, your spouse, just work within your limits, you know, that you can also go find other people, like I said, and prepping adjacent hobbies to help you out.[00:15:00] 
So, , if you're not going to find a way to effectively communicate it, then you might just want to sidestep it. So it's, I think it's better to, not scare people than it is to kind of be flashy. So you see the opposite of that on a lot of these, larger channels out here, like YouTube channels with the fear mongering, the clickbait titles, they can get excessive.
I mean, I understand that they work and they get people to look, but, it can also be detrimental as a whole because people that don't click on it, just kind of blow it off and say, Oh, those people, Or, you know, wearing tin hats or something like that, because that's what they're doing in the thumbnail.
Kellene: Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah, it's definitely a delicate balance. And that's why I would suggest to our listeners to go back to the first principle of preparedness that I teach them, which is spiritual preparedness. You know, where's your compass? [00:16:00] Sometimes you need a little extra. Prayer and contemplation to figure out, okay, how do I talk to this person about preparedness?
What's the best way to come at it from this angle? And you know, God knows each and every one of us pretty well. I understand. And so you might get some extra help from on high when you're trying to consider how to create a community or how to talk to your spouse or how to talk to your loved ones or your friends about preparedness.
Are there specific tools or Checklist or systems that you access that would you'd suggest for newcomers to take their first steps? 
Yeah. I have a basic emergency plan in that PDF list. , I also have the article that kind of writes that out. And that's just the simple stuff like, , emergency contacts, what to do in an evacuation.
And it, and the furthest that it stretches is identifying a bug out location. So where you're going to meet up, you're going to have a one that's close and one that's a little bit further away. And that one just kind of boils it all down [00:17:00] into three pages. So it's very concise. But one of the things that I kind of really try to tell people is to look at your local threats and to do a risk analysis is something that most people aren't very comfortable with, but it's really easy to do.
And there's tons of resources out there online, where you can see everything from. Your flood plan. Like if you live in a house, , hopefully, you know, whether you're in a floodplain, and what year floodplain it is all the way up to like, you know, nuke maps, you can see like nuclear targets and what the fallout radius of something like that would be.
So there's so many resources out there. It just takes a little bit of navigation, knowing which ones to look at and which ones to look at first. So a lot of times you'll see people buy a gas mask before they have a fire extinguisher in their house. So it's all about prioritizing it correctly.
 And whether you need a gas mask at all. So it's, you know, there's lots of different steps to it. How deep you want to go changes [00:18:00] for everybody. It also changes based on their ability or disability. So it's you know, it's different for everybody. And I think everybody should take a more critical approach to how they do it themselves.
Well, your gas mask collection, , as you might call it, that's as a result of your military background, correct? 
Sean: A little bit of both. Yeah, I have some modern ones, from Mira, Parcel, Avon. , but yeah, I started , teaching gas masks in the military when they were switching over to the, joint service mask, the M50.
And so I have one of those, and a lot of ones previous to that and some Cold War era masks, the Soviet mask, things like that. 
Kellene: So you have an advantage with your military background. Most lay people don't have that kind of. Experience, and they haven't been exposed to that kind of knowledge.
What kind of resources are available to someone who wants to get more involved, who wants to be better [00:19:00] educated in even military like, examples? 
Sean: Yeah, well, I think. They're on the right path if they're listening to you already. So, I mean, I think preppers are one of the best ways to get into that.
 Otherwise you're going to be following tactical accounts and, getting tactical information. And those are less worried about practical applications of a lot of those tools. So if you're looking at, , CBRN threats and looking to get more information about CBRN threats, I think preppers are the way to go.
And, , some of the preppers, I haven't seen anybody say anything about the C burn gear or resources that was inconsistent with what we learned in the military. So it's very straightforward. It's easy to kind of find the threat analysis around it. And, it's low probability. So if you skip over it, it's not gonna, there's still plenty to do for prepping.
You're not going to run out of things to [00:20:00] do, even if you choose not to even touch on the CBRN stuff, which is still a threat, but is a lower probability than a natural disaster in your area. 
Kellene: Well, those in our audience who might not know what you're, what you mean when you say CBRN, why don't you explain that, so that they can better comprehend that?
Sean: Yeah, I'm sorry for using the military acronyms out here. CBRN is chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear. It's an acronym that stands for asymmetrical threats. It also had an E at the end in some instances for high yield explosives when it's used in the military context. , but a lot of times you'll see preppers just drop the E.
So, um, not worried about high yield explosives. And the previous term that that was NBC. So you'll see that used to, especially on, , gas mass filters. , and that stands for nuclear biological chemical. , and that's, , just one arm of emergency management, especially in the military that addresses, things like [00:21:00] nuclear attacks, EMPs, REDs and RDDs, which are radiation emitting devices and dispersal devices like a dirty bomb.
, all of those are kind of higher probability than biological, which would be weaponized biological or, you know, pandemics. And then chemical, which is very hyper localized. It's very hard , to get a chemical Biological is a lot easier to get everywhere than chemicals. 
Kellene: So you, personally, with your loved ones, your family, what is more practical and plausible for you in your scenarios that you're preparing for?
Sean: Practical and plausible as in how? Like what, what I've done as far as just general preparedness or? 
Kellene: Yes, , 
Sean: in general preparedness, we have, uh, kind of a bare bones plan. I work on a lot of skills. I'm lucky to do that, but I am not confident in my wilderness survival skills, so I won't be going on [00:22:00] alone or any of those shows anytime soon.
It's just something that I enjoy with two young boys. They enjoy it with me. And the, most of our plan is going to be a bug in plan. I know a lot of people have , the divide of bug in and bug out. , but we're prepared to do both. And really hope that it's going to be more of a bug in because bug out is infinitely more difficult.
, and so we have, you know, the water storage, the food storage, , for several months. And then a lot of practical tools like energy resources. To stay warm. , you know, stay protected. Security is a big thing. So we just try to cover it all with a blanket, for several months. That's how , my family approaches it.
, and with our disabled kid, we have a few things that we implement.
Kellene: Wonderful. , so what is, what does the future hold for True Prepper? How do you hope it will continue to influence the preparedness movement? 
Sean: Well, this is kind of a nuts and bolts answer, [00:23:00] but with the advent of AI, I'm seeing a lot of competition online. So blogs, , have kind of skyrocketed lately.
 If you've been looking for any sort of prepping information, you're probably seeing a lot of new things pop up online. True Pepper has been around since 2016. And, , we've seen a lot of, other blogs kind of. Come and go since then. So it's a very, , very fast, kind of sphere right there. So one thing that I'm hoping that AI, even though I saw an announcement yesterday that they're kind of getting into videos and stuff like that, , I'm hoping to start, dipping my toe in the water as far as content creation.
Things like that. So there's a lot of preppers, and a lot of people interested in preparedness out there on the, shorts, like whether it's TikTok, if that's still going to be around, , Instagram, things like that. And also YouTube, as you know. 
Kellene: So what's, let me ask you this question. What's one thing about preppers that drives you [00:24:00] batty?
Sean: The fear mongering, I think that's, that's the number one. 
Kellene: Yeah. That's what makes me roll my eyes too. 
Sean: Yeah. It's a, it feels like a unfair advantage, to just scare people into it and to scare people into returning to, so I understand why they do it is like we said, sometimes you got to catch people's attention.
 But it, it still frustrates me. So, seeing that, kind of like all the most successful people in it, are, are doing that. It's kind of, frustrating to see. 
Kellene: Yeah. , it, it stresses out, I'm not sure if you're familiar with Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman, but we had him on the other day and, , he was talking about how the.
Interaction with a human being and having trauma caused because of the result of another human being , is very, very toxic for us. And I think that having other preppers, if you will, uh, elevate heart rates and stress people [00:25:00] out. I think that does a disservice and I think it is toxic.
Sean: Yeah. ,
Kellene: it defeats the purpose. I mean, ultimately having everybody around us be more self sufficient and more self reliant, that's, that's utopia. That's what we would love. I mean, we call it being a prepper, but really it's just acting more like grandma and grandpa with the exception of maybe some, gas masks and some, more trips to the range.
 We call it being a prepper. What's one thing that you wish that preppers knew what, whether it's a skill or a mantra, what's one thing that you wish that you could just really get into their heads? 
Sean: Oh, man, that's, that's a tough one. I think, , one thing that I'd like every prepper to kind of focus more on.
I'm not used to critiquing preppers very often. So, something that I'd like them to learn how to do or a skill, you think? 
Kellene: Sure. Something like that. What do you wish that they knew? 
Sean: I think, and this is something I could be better at too, is, you know, we're [00:26:00] talking about it right now, convincing other people.
Okay. So in talking to other people openly, there's a lot of gray man preppers, lone wolf preppers. There's some people who are not preppers at all, but say that they're preppers and they just plan on coming with guns and don't have any of the rest of the stuff. Those type of people, like, I think that it's fine when, if you plan on prepping alone, but being able to talk with other people, and I don't have a problem with the gray man concept either.
I think, okay. Being able to talk to other people and being able to evangelize about prepping is kind of like noble and that's kind of goes back to what kind of got me into it in the first place. My dad being able to help out the community when he was individually affected as well. So, what's the purpose, like you said, you got to find the purpose of not just your life, but prepping, what are, what are you trying to do?
And if it's to get armed and go raid other preppers or something like that, that's not a purpose. That's, you [00:27:00] know, you're just winging it and winging it through life. , so I think, you know, approaching it with, I don't know, more intention. It sounds, sounds kind of a cliche, I think, but , I think that's what I'd like to see more preppers do, , approach it with, kind of a bigger field of view than just, oh, I'm going to save my own, but not worry about other people.
, because like you said, that rising tide raises all of our ships, the more people that are prepared, whether that's. through communities, through, individuals, you know, I think everybody can benefit from that. 
Kellene: Absolutely. Yeah. For me, I wish that they understood that it was a lifestyle, not a moment in time where, okay, this is our moment.
We're going to grab it. Yeah, and preppers are famous for lists and I can understand that we, we got to keep certain things compartmentalized and organized, but that it is a lifestyle and it's a lifestyle that actually enables us to handle life's curveballs [00:28:00] and life will be full of curveballs no matter what.
And whether it be raining at a sporting event, you know, that could have been a, you know, really haphazard experience, but you know, dad saved the day by having ponchos in the car. I mean, that's wonderful. You're building trust with your kids that they know that dad's got their best interests at heart and that, you know, Dad's got a plan.
 I think that understanding it from a lifestyle standpoint, then it becomes more of a life's journey. How can I be a better person? How can I take care of myself and take care of other people with the need arises and having that kind of mindset and looking out for others as well as our own.
Benefit. Instead of asking who's going to help me, what's in it for me, what's, you know, what's this life got to dish out to me and instead of taking it for ourselves and taking that responsibility for ourselves. So that's one thing that I wish that preppers, , better understood. 
Sean: Yeah. There's a whole new generation coming up and they're very interested in prepping.
So, and they're watching us. [00:29:00] So, people think they're not watching, but they're watching. Now, why do 
you say that? Why do you say that there's a whole new generation? What's led you to believe that? Share that with our audience. 
Oh, I've, I follow the, , the FEMA. They do their surveys every year. And, you can glean a lot of information out of that.
You, the one thing that you can't really tell is who's identifying as a prepper, because that's kind of a label that we kind of self describe. But you can look at preparedness levels and they talk about, the number of people that wish that they were prepared, but are not, they talk about the number of people that are not prepared and don't want to be, which is surprisingly in the teens, , And then they talk about the people that have taken at least some measure of step into preparedness.
 And that's, you have to kind of dissect that from prepping. , just because somebody's went out and bought, , an emergency food kit, that doesn't make them a prepper, especially if they don't call themselves a prepper. So like you said, it's a lifestyle. But the, demographics show that younger [00:30:00] people are a higher proportion of interest in, preparedness.
So as the years keep going, they do one every year and each year, especially since the pandemic, the proportion of the younger people has grown. Whereas all the other demographics have kind of stayed the same. So we didn't see a big boom in preparedness after the pandemic, which was, kind of surprising, kind of not.
Um, but the shift in the people who are prepping is kind of , interesting because it's every year. It's not just people are getting older. So, you know, they're, the demographics are changing. These are, this is a younger band of people. So, like, people, 18 through 30 are more interested than prepping, than the, five years before.
So that group, those generations that are coming through the younger generation is more interested in preparedness. And hopefully we can make that prepping. 
Kellene: Yeah, absolutely. And hopefully we can teach them the right way rather [00:31:00] than through fear mongering. And I mean, they made it through COVID. If they made it through COVID, they can make it through a whole lot of other things.
Sean: Yeah. And it's going to be ingrained in them at that point. So maybe it might be formative to several new preppers down the road, , like hurricanes were for me. 
Kellene: Yeah, absolutely. Well, thank you so much for your insight. We barely scratched the surface of your expertise, but your blog does a wonderful job.
It's very endearing. It's very open and approachable. , I find that, , I wouldn't have any difficulty recommending people heading over to true pepper. com. , thank you so much for your time as well. And for being with us today. 
Thank you so much, Kellene. I appreciate it. 
It's my pleasure. All right. Take care.
Thanks for joining us today on Preparedness Pro. I hope you enjoyed yourself and learned something new. Want more preparedness inspiration? Join our live shows every Tuesday and Thursday at 11 a. m. Eastern [00:32:00] on YouTube or Facebook at Preparedness Pro, where we can answer your questions live. Looking for a community of like minded people who understand that preparedness is about freedom?
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Until next time, remember preparation brings peace and peace brings freedom. See you soon.

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